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Military Units Adjutant General's Corps
- Military Provost Staff
- Military Provost Guard Service
Royal Electrical & Mechanical EngineersRoyal Signals- 71 (Yeomanry) Signals Regiment
Royal Logistic CorpsRoyal EngineersRoyal Army Physical Training CorpsThe Infantry- The Rifles
- The Mercian Regiment
- The Royal Anglian Regiment
- The Parachute Regiment
- The Royal Welsh
- The Welsh Guards
Trades- Army Recruiter
- Sniper
- Wings
Other Badges- Aldershot Garrison
- Allied Command Europe Mobile Force
- Pegasus
- Media Operations Group
Royal MarinesSchools & Colleges- Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Historical Units- 17th/21st Lancers
- 156 (Inkerman) Battery
- 143 (Tombs's Troop) Battery
- 29 (Corunna) Battery
- 25/170 (Imjin) Battery
If you can't see your unit please get in touch to see what we can offer -
Royal Artillery Royal Horse Artillery
- 1 Regt RHA
- 3 Regt RHA
- 7 Regt RHA
Royal Artillery1 Regt RHA- A Bty (The Chestnut Troop)
- B Battery
- E Battery
3 Regt RHA- C Battery
- D Battery
- N Battery (The Eagle Troop)
5 Regt RA- Q (Sanna's Post) Battery
- 4/73 (Sphinx) Special Observation Post Battery
7 Regt RHA- G Parachute Battery (Mercer's Troop)
12 Regt RA- 9 (Plassey) Battery
- 58 (Eyre's) Battery
- 170 (Imjin) Battery
16 Regt RA- 11 (Sphinx) Battery
- 14 (Cole's Kop) Battery
- 30 Battery (Rogers's Company)
19 Regt RA- 13 (Martinique 1809) Battery
- 38 (Seringapatam) Battery
- 127 (Dragon) Battery
- 176 (Abu Klea) Battery
26 Regt RA- 19 (Gibraltar) Battery
- 132 Battery (The Bengal Rocket Troop)
- 159 (Colenso) Battery
29 Regt RA- 148 (Meiktila) Commando Battery
32 Regt RA- 18 (Quebec 1759) Battery
- 21 (Gibraltar 1779–83) Battery
- 22 (Gibraltar 1779–83) Battery
- 46 (Talavera) Battery
- 42 (Alem Hamza) Battery
47 Regt RA- 31 Battery
- 10 (Assaye) Battery
- 43 (Lloyd's Company) Battery
- 57 (Bhurtpore) Battery
- 74 Battery (The Battle Axe Company)
Reserves - Custom